My Favorite Places in Dakar

In Dakar I have a lot of favorite places and two of them, is Saly and Saint Louis.

01 This is in Saint Louis and its a very nice hotel. I like Saint Louis, because you can learn so many things from there, and there is so much things to do.

dsc_9286_0 This is Saly, and its a very interesting place to be because, there’s a lot of things that you can do there, and its very fun.

Story about Landscape


It was a sunny day, when this sort of monument landed in downtown Burkina. We were all extremely surprised to what we could do about it, and if we could even do anything about it, except pray for it to leave. My friend and I had been talking for weeks and weeks about how we could get rid of it. We had ran into a problem, as he thought we should bomb it and get rid of it, when I thought that it was a much better idea for us to go inside and get rid of what ever was in there. We had gotten into a fight and both went our separate ways. The day I came in to execute my plan, when the base had announced that there was a bomb approaching but I was too far deep in to get out now….